+91 7771896777

Fee Details

Fees Details

Fee Structure 2025-26 Class I to XII
Particulars OFFR JCO OR CIV
1.   One Time Dues        
(a)  Registration 460 460 460 460
(b)  Admission 1863 932 617 7659
(c)  Security 6500 6000 5000 10000
2.   Annual Dues OFFR JCO OR CIV
(a) Library 510 411 312 699
(b) Building 510 411 312 1085
(c) Exam 411 411 411 411
(d) Games 510 411 312 1009
(e) Play way upto CL V 411 299 262 699
(f) School Journal 262 262 262 262
(g) Rent & Allied Charges 1284 1284 1284 1284
(h) School Diary 50 50 50 50
(i) ID Card 37 37 37 37
(j) SMS Ver. 2.0 165 165 165 165
(a) Class I to V 4150 3741 3407 5701
(b) Class VI-XII 3739 3442 3145 5002
(c) Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy 130 130 130 130
Particulars OFFR JCO OR CIV
1.  Tuition Fee
(a)   I to V 2855 2431 2044 3615
(b)  VI to X 3203 2855 2431 4051
(c)  XI to XII 3615 3203 2855 4462
2.  Pupil Fee 162 162 162 262
3.  Computer Fee 162 162 162 262
4.  TAL Fee (I to XII) 124 124 124 124
5.  Science Fee (IX to X) 112 112 112 162
    Science Fee (XI to XII) 162 162 162 262
6. Comp Science / Info Pract Fee (XI & to XII) 124 124 124 124
CLASS 1 TO 5 9909 8637 7476 12789
CLASS VI TO VIII 10953 9909 8637 14097
CLASS IX TO X 11289 10245 8973 14583
CLASS XI TO XII SCIENCE 12675 11439 10395 16116
CLASS XI TO XII NON SCIENCE 12189 10953 9909 15330

Note : - Fee structure may be revised as per AWES Directions.